Motor Trade Road Risk Insurance
If you work in the motor trade business you will need to make sure you are covered to drive all vehicles stored on your business premises. As well as being able to drive any vehicles temporarily in your custody for motor trade purposes. Having this cover is important, especially when you are keeping multiple vehicles from numerous different customers. With there being many different types of motor trade insurance policies, it can be very confusing knowing what the correct insurance is that you need.
Motor trade road risk insurance will cover you if you need to drive customer cars. There could be many reasons for driving your customers vehicles, such as needing to pick up the vehicle and take it to your business address, take it out for a test drive or you could be offering a valet service. Due to the greater number of risks involved in a motor trade road risks insurance policy, you will more than likely find it is more expensive than standard car insurance. However, at iRevolution Connect we do not believe you should be taken advantage of financially, so we can put you in contact with brokers who can offer competitive and fair quotes. We will also ensure that you are offered a policy which is tailored to your needs.

Why choose iRevolution Connect for your motor trade road risk insurance?
Here at iRevolution Connect we have access to brokers that are experienced in motor trade road risk insurance policies. All of our brokers are regulated by the FCA so you know they are trustworthy companies. As our brokers are knowledgeable about motor trade road risk insurance they can answer any questions you may have, and can make sure you are offered an insurance policy that suits your needs.
Monthly payments
We know providers can offer to spread the cost of your insurance over monthly payments.
Three levels of cover
Just like standard car insurance you will have the option of three levels of cover. You can choose between comprehensive, third party fire and theft and third party only. It may surprise you but comprehensive insurance is not always the most expensive level of cover. It is always best to get prices for all three levels and decide what is best for you. Our partners can help you with this decision if necessary.

Product | Lowest Price | Highest Price | Customer Rating |
Motor Trade Road Risk Insurance | | £922.18 | £3023.1 | 4.35 / 5 |
Pricing claim generated from smallest and largest base premiums of policies sold from 1st January 2018 to 31st December 2019 from one of our partners.
Customer product rating is based on 59 reviews from a range of 1 to 5, where 5 being the best.
Motor Trade Road Risk Insurance Quote
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